Sunday, August 21, 2011

Life Changes!

I really need to get better at this!! I need to blog more. I used to blog to help me vent about life or just write down what was happening in our lives. I have decided that it is time to start using this more.

Last week I started a new life style. I have finally decided to battle the bulge! I am on a mission to be a physically new person. I am on a mission to lose around 65lbs. This sounds like an ENORMOUS amount, it's because it is. I need to finally take my weight gain seriously. After having Cooper I reached the heaviest I have ever been in my life! What a scary feeling to know that I tipped the scales at 207 lbs. Even writing that number makes me sick to my stomach. A healthy weight for my height is 147 lbs. I don't remember the last time I was ever that small. This is for no one else, but me. I need to be held accountable for all the coke I used to drink... Every twix I consumed in the 9 months of pregnancy. ::sigh:: this will not be an easy journey... but a journey none the less. I have a goal to have lost at least 40lbs by Cooper's first birthday ( Dec 5th) I know this is a HUGE number to reach in 4 months but hopefully with hard work and heathy eating it will happen. I am tired of being the fat friend. I am tired of being a fat wife. I have struggled with my weight for over 15 years now.

I have just become to complacent in my bad habits. ie. not eating breakfast, huge portions, fast food multiple times a week, sweet, and LOTS of Coke.

Cooper is almost 9 months old now and it is time to stop using " Having a Baby" as an excuse.

So goodbye old me. I am stoked to see where my new me will take me. I am counting calories and exercising everyday. I am now into my 2nd week of this new live and loving it. Don't get me wrong- I would love to have a twix and a coke, but I will be that much closer to my goals if I just grab an apple. I want Cooper to have a "fit" mom. He deserves a great role model. I want to be that for him.

Week one-
Start weight 207 End weight 196.2

- 11lbs What a great start to my week!

I will try to update each week to show my progress!

Here is my "Before Picture" taken on Saturday August 20th 2011
